Thursday, August 30, 2012

Family Guy - So Much Better-- with patrick j miron

one more thing with patrick j miron

Re: Catholic Questions Trent an In Dept study oart 3
Posted By:OfflineMon Jun 11, 2012 7:19 pm  |
All unconfessed sins are unpardonable, according to Catholic doctrine.

  In "this case" or any other. 

 And there are a lot of sins that blind people to their own need for forgiveness. 

 Anger leaps to mind.  Lust.  Pride.  

It sounds like you aren't really distinguishing this sin, the only one that Jesus *ever* implied was unforgiveable, from any other sin.  

Unforgiveable, as in, even if you ask for forgiveness (ie confess) it won't be forgiven.  Very dangerous. 

 Calling it "particularly grievous" is like calling Jesus a prophet.  True, but it ignores the bigger picture.
Maybe the idea of an unforgiveable sin disturbs you.  Horrifies you, even.  It should.  It's a terrifying concept.  You're doomed.  No forgiveness.  It clashes with our idea of what we want God to be.  It damages our comfort.  But better to live without the comfort and avoid the unthinkable than to perish in our ignorance.
Francine DeGrood Taylor
From: Robin <rdnuclearmed@...>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Catholic Questions Trent an In Dept study oart 3

I stand by what I said.
The scribeds utter blasphemy by attributing to Satan what is actually the work of the Holy Spirit (3:22, 30).  

Their sin is not unforgivable in principle since no sin can place us beyond the reach of God's mercy. 

 However, blasphemy against the HS is a form of rebellion that is particularly grievous because it blinds people to their own need for forgiveness; in this case, sins are unpardonable when they are not confessed with contrition (CCC 1864).  

The sin against the HS was prefigured in the OT when the Isrealites fashioned the golden calf (Ex 32:1-6).  Instead of giving worship and thanks to Yahweh for their deliverance, they honored as their true redeemer an idol of their own making (Ex 32:4).
(Taken from the Ignatius Catholic Bible Commentary on Mark 3:29).
God Bless
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:07 PM, F Taylor <ftaylor1960@...> wrote:
Good guess, but no.
Mark 3:23-30 The "teachers of the law" are accusing Jesus of being possessed, and of driving out demons by the power of Beelzebub.  That's when Jesus tells us that blaspheming against the Holy Spirit is unique among sins in that it won't be forgiven.  It is an "eternal sin".  The Bible tells us "He said this because they were saying, 'He has an evil spirit.'"
This passage implies that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is when you observe the workings of the Spirit and attribute it to Satan or a demon.  They were calling the Holy Spirit "evil".
Luke 12:10 "And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against Holy Spirit will not be forgiven."
This implies it is a personal offense, specifically against the Holy Spirit.  Trying to smear the Good Name of the Holy Spirit in front of others.  If this blasphemy only happens at the end of life, who would be witnessing it except God?
I don't believe this is a duh-uh sin.  It's kind if obvious that if you reject the Spirit you are rejecting God, and therefore rejecting heaven.  But blaspheming against the Spirit is something that you can do if you are heedless of Jesus' warning, even if you otherwise believe in God and Jesus and do everything right.
Here's an example.  There are a lot of people who get really offended by descriptions of stigmata, especially when it happens to children.  One of them proclaimed, online, that such things were of the devil, that they were evil.  I believe there's a very real chance that she may have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit with that statement.
What does it means, to have sinned a sin that will never be forgiven?  I'm not sure yet.  I'd have to examine to Bible for clues.  Can you still be saved?  Do you still go to heaven?  Can you sin without realizing it is a sin?  I've seen evidence in the Bible suggesting that you can, and suggesting that you can't.
John 4:36 "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains upon him."  This may be the rejection that you were talking about, Robin.  But it is not the same as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit; Jesus makes this clear in Luke.
So then the question must be; if you believe in Jesus but blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, what happens?  You will "see life" but not be forgiven that seeing life necessarily equivalent to attaining paradise?  Again...I haven't seen anything definitive.  I just know that I'm going to be very *very* careful about attributing anything to the devil just because it offends me...
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 8:50 AM

Subject: Re: Catholic Questions Trent an In Dept study oart 3

Specifically, how does one commit the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?  I'll answer.  The only reason it will not be forgiven is because this sin entails rejecting the Gift of the Holy Spirit, ie rejecting God, even up to death.  Once dead, your fate is sealed therefore that particular sin cannot be forgiven since God will not force you to accept something against your will.

God Bless

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 11:12 AM, F Taylor <ftaylor1960@...> wrote:
Except those who commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which is a sin that will never be forgiven.
From: Robin <rdnuclearmed@...>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: Catholic Questions Trent an In Dept study oart 3

When we sin greatly (ie mortal sin) we seperate ourselves from the spiritual Church.  We cut ourselves off.  Since no sin is greater than the mercy of God then no sinner can ever be refused re-entry into the Church once they've repented and asked for forgiveness (accepting whatever punishement society holds for them).
God Bless
On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 1:36 PM, LEIN TRINH<lientcnguyen@...> wrote:
we can sin but the Church can't the Spiritrual Churnch ( thebody of Christ can't sin ) but the catholic or any others church will fall in sin, Paul conmended us to Cut off those that commit sins or remain life style in sinful as Catholic Priests who molesters childrens, Jesus also Said: if your hand do sin cut it off, if your eye sin pull it out so that way you can go heaven rather  have two hand go hell, yes we all sinners but before God accepted us we must be clean by the blood of Jesus, so that we can be Body of Christ santifice and Holy, sin just like cancer in our body, when we have it we must cutt it off from our body or it will destroy us! the Body of Christ the Church can't be sin??
From: Patrick Miron <patrickmiron66@...>
To: Ben Parker <jugglable@...>; Catherine Obrien Sacredheart <cobrien@...>; Debra Welter <mikeanddebi1@...>; Austin Pirc <ajpirc795@...>; Jordon Mack CAF Questions <mackjordan14@...>; Jack Coyote CAF-Mail <coyote_jack@...>; Brown尼克 Nicky post RCIA <penrbrown@...>; Catholic Answers - Member E-Mail <serveradmin@...>; "joclucsylv@..." <joclucsylv@...>; "cynthia.barboza@..." <cynthia.barboza@...>; Victoria Morgan <gizmorgan82@...>; "cmh444@..." <cmh444@...>; "ecedmondson@..." <ecedmondson@...>; Justin Motes <canadianbacon321@...>; "gsarec@..." <gsarec@...>; "cburton103@..." <cburton103@...>; "cheif14@..." <cheif14@...>; Jennie RCIA and mail <J9sling@...>; "curtismcpa@... " <curtismcpa@...>; Joseph Back <josephback@...>; Jim Eddy <Jeddy48128@...>; "Jacob RCIA & amp, Ml" <jhbrecher@...>; "Mike & Sammy" <conard@...>; ALL <anglicanformary@...>; Mark BB Les 3 dys <evanmrk@...>; All 3 day cy <Figman123@...>; "" <>; "" <>; Francisco Cabrera <frankoresults@...>; Andrea CAF Forum <andrea@...>; Andy FORUM <andy@...>; Billy Mikolic <billy_miko@...>; Chris <chris@...>; Cooter Hein <cooterhein@...>; Dan Burrows <dburrow1@...>; Jason Pre RCIA and Mail <jason.high@...>; Jeremey PRE RCIA mail <joberender@...>; Jordon <jdriesen32@...>; Joshua Packard <joshrp@...>; raymond blanton <1bogeydogg@...>; "c_capasso@..." <c_capasso@...>; CAF Mail List <edwardo.lopez82@...>; Deric Gentry RCIA <dlgentry101@...>; "jmoneyideas@..." <jmoneyideas@...>; "Eric Stiles RCIA& ML " <stilese@...>; "Josh RCIA & ML " <galactonerd@...>; "" <>; "gla_bella@..." <gla_bella@...>; Discussion ONLY <sustain_blackmail@...>
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2012 7:13 AM
Subject: Catholic Questions Trent an In Dept study oart 3 [1 Attachment]

God Bless,

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